My Story
My Transformation
I have taught in the education system for nearly 19 years. Teaching in many areas of science and in combination of being a successful leader, coach, and researcher, there had to be something else I could do with my educational degrees besides teaching in the classroom. I wanted a new perspective on life. I needed to change my inner being so that I could make a difference in the way that I looked and felt about my weight.
You see, I have had many illnesses my entire life. At age 7, scarlet fever changed my skin color two shades darker. Healing from the scarlet fever, I started having seizures, took phenobarbital for 6 years, and the seizures stopped at age 10.
The years past and my weight increased, my feet and hands were always swelling, I was anemic, I had many sinus infections, occasional strep throat, and took allergy shots yearly avoid being ill. In 1993, I was faced with emergency gallstone surgery and my gall bladder was removed. Gastroenteritis was intolerable and was hospitalized several times due inflammation. I recall having a 24-hour stomach virus and drove to the hospital in excruciating pain. Not knowing that my body was full of toxins and my white blood cells were working hard to fight off the infection due to processed food that I had eaten from a local restaurant. Click here. See more of my story in my book "10/14 Fit & Smoothie Cleanse".
A Healthier You is a unique detox and cleanse wellness program designed to teach you how to eat healthy and detox the body daily with smoothies, herbal teas, healthy snacks, and meal plans: live well by gaining clarity, vitality, and serenity. This successful detox plan program exceeds beyond expectations because it includes various ways to detox your body even when you are not trying to lose weight.
“A Healthier You” detox and cleanse program will help you to incorporate and manage your eating habits to address many concerns that you may have about healthy living. “A Healthier You” Six-Tier plans have various options on healthy eating that will help you to detox and cleanse the body. The Six-Tier plan includes the 10/14 Fit & Smoothie Cleanse, The Ultimate Healing Foods Plan, 14 Day Detox and Cleanse Plan, Start Eating 5 Day Meal Plan, 7-Day Allergy Detox and Cleanse, and Detox Life After Maintenance Plan.
“A Healthier You” Six Tier plans are not used to diagnosis any chronic illnesses or disorders, but will help you build a program that is affordable and durable to gain optimal wellness for your chronic illness or disorder. Personal coaching and group coaching is available via my website. Also, you will have access to detox and cleanse plans once you subscribe to the website. When you become VIP member with “A Healthier You”, you will receive several perks such as discounts for conferences, online store purchases, healthy eating management plans, coaching, and free recipes.